International Logistics Management & Sustainable Mobility and Logistics
Zakaj se odločiti za študij transporta, logistike in mobilnosti?
Logistika, transport in mobilnost so ključne panoge, ki vam omogočajo delo v dinamičnem in prihodnostno usmerjenem okolju ter odprejo vrsto priložnosti za karierno rast.
1. Širok spekter kariernih možnosti
Logistika je osnova številnih panog, od trgovine in proizvodnje do transporta in e-trgovine, kar vam omogoča številne priložnosti za razvoj kariere.
2. Prihodnostna panoga
S hitrim razvojem tehnologij, kot sta avtomatizacija in umetna inteligenca, logistika nudi priložnosti za delo na inovativnih projektih in vnaprejšnje tehnologije.
3. Razvoj strateških veščin
Med študijem boste razvili ključne sposobnosti, kot so reševanje problemov, načrtovanje, vodenje projektov in odločanje, ki so koristne v vseh poklicih.
Študijska programa
Na NOA ponujamo dva inovativna študijska programa, zasnovana za prihodnost logistike in mobilnosti:

Dodiplomski visokošolski študijski program
Management mednarodne logistike
3. leta⎥180 kreditnih točk (ECTS)
7. stopnja (SOK)
Diplomirani/-a organizator/-ka logistike (VS)
Management mednarodne logistike je dodiplosmki visokošolski študijski program, ki ima prednosti atraktivnega perspektivnega študija v panogi, ki je v nenehnem porastu in razvoju.
Magistrski študijski program
Trajnostna mobilnost in logistika
2. leti⎥120 kreditnih točk (ECTS)
8. stopnja (SOK)
Magister/-ica trajnostne mobilnosti in logistike
Trajnostna mobilnost in logistika je študijski program, ki izobražuje za strokovne ali vodstvene pozicije v različnih delovnih okoljih.
Vpis v študijska programa
Vpis v šolsko leto 2025/26
Prijave za študijska programa Management mednarodne logistike in Trajnostna mobilnost in logistika sprejemamo od sredine februarja do konca septembra 2025 preko eVŠ portala.
Več o vpisnih pogojih ter samem vpisnem postopku in procesu si preberite tukaj.

In numbers →
The perspective of the logistics and transport industry
The transport and logistics industries are experiencing global growth, with expectations that the values of the global market will exceed 15 billion Euros by 2030.
High employability rates of graduates confirm the attractiveness of the industries in the job market.
More than 70% of companies in the mobility industry invest in innovation and the development of new technologies, opening up various opportunities to be involved in the latest technological trends.
More than 80% of global trade depends on logistics services, opening opportunities for work in an international environment and collaboration with global players.
Career opportunities
Supply Chain Manager
The Supply Chain Manager is responsible for the efficient management and optimization of supply processes, ensuring the smooth flow of materials within the organization. Their role includes coordinating collaboration between different departments, ensuring the quality of the supply chain, and implementing strategies to reduce costs and enhance efficiency.
International Logistics Manager
An International Logistics Manager directs logistic operations on a global scale, from shipping and tracking goods to coordinating cross-border transportation. Their task is to ensure the optimal functioning of international logistic networks, ensure compliance with customs regulations, and establish efficient solutions for optimizing transportation and storage.
Transport Specialist
A transportation expert specializes in planning and managing transportation systems. They are responsible for optimizing the movement of goods, selecting appropriate carriers, tracking shipments, and addressing any logistical challenges in real-time.
Warehouse Manager
A Warehouse Manager is responsible for the efficient management of warehouse spaces, overseeing inventory flow, leading a team of employees, and ensuring compliance with safety and quality standards. Their tasks also include optimizing warehouse procedures and implementing strategies to reduce stock and costs.
Head of Global Logistics Strategy
A graduate of the master's program can take on the role of a global logistics strategy leader, responsible for designing and implementing comprehensive logistics plans on an international level. Their responsibilities include optimizing logistical processes, managing transportation and mobility, and finding innovative solutions to enhance efficiency and sustainability.
Consultant for mobility and transport planning
The role involves advising companies and organizations on the development of sustainable and efficient mobility strategies, managing traffic flows, and implementing innovations in transportation systems to improve overall mobility in cities and regions.
Manager of logistics operations in an international environment
The tasks include coordinating transportation, inventory management, implementing the latest technologies in logistic processes, and ensuring compliance with global quality and sustainability standards.